About Me Update!


Last Updated 10/03/05

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An update on my life...

Well, since I've been here for 10 months now, (it's October 3rd, 2005)  I figured I'd give ya'll an update.

I crawl. Oh yes. I crawl everywhere. I ...oh sorry. What was I saying? I got distracted by the [insert name of small piece of whatever] on the floor. I think I'll stick that in  my mouth.

Mmm. Tasty! Anyway. I like to eat, everything except broccoli. Unless it has cheese. I am my father's son! :) I have 4 teeth, 3 on top, 1 on bottom. Yay!

I just learned to pull up on tables, chairs, Mom, etc. this weekend. Boy is that fun! I might have to try letting go. Although...that's kinda scary. I think I won't. Yet.

I got my shots today! Can you say OUCH! Man. How rude. But I know it's for my own good! :) I am officially 20 lbs. 14 oz and 29 inches long! Go me!

Chasing the cats is probably one of my most favorite things to do. I try to talk to them but they just don't listen! I like swimming too, I even stick my face in the water on purpose! Maybe the cats will listen if they try that...

Alrighty. That's quite enough. I'll be back soon for another update! Same bat time, same bat channel. Toodles!

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